About New Life

Throughout the year, we offer small group studies that allow adults to develop and grow their relationship with that Father and with other people within the church. Currently, we have a group meeting on Sunday evenings at 6:00 PM in the church basement. This study, "Tracing God's Ways" is open to all who would like to come.

Every Wednesday evening from 6:30-7:30 PM adults gather in the sanctuary to share requests and pray together. Please join us for this time as we lift our requests and present them before the Lord.

Friday mornings is an informal prayer time at the church in the sanctuary. All are welcome to come and pray. Prayer time begins at 7:30 AM.

Band of Brothers meets every 1st and 3rd Saturday morning from 7:00 to 8:30 AM.  Men of all ages and all backgrounds are welcome to join us as we connect with each other and become transformed by God's Word.

Java Jones Coffee Shop
200 South Cedar Street
Monticello, Iowa

Feel free to visit the Band of Brothers facebook page.

Caring & Sharing is a community-wide sale of used clothing, furniture, various household appliances, toys, and much more.  Caring & Sharing events are held twice each year in the basement of New Life Community Church of the Nazarene.  All items are free!  This ministry is all about showing the love of Jesus Christ through providing for the material needs of people in our community.

Exact days and times of each Caring & Sharing event are posted in the local Monticello Express newspaper.  The next event will be held on April 28, 2012, from 8:00AM to 11:00AM.

Feel free to come out for our next Caring & Sharing event.

"What's the Word" is a column that periodically appears in our local town newspaper, the Monticello Express.  The purpose of this column is to proclaim God's Holy Word and share the wonderful good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Some articles are designed to encourage or challenge fellow Christians in their faith walk.  Some articles deliver the message of salvation and of God's awesome life-changing power poured out to us through His Holy Spirit.  But the goal of every article is to minister to each reader by communicating God's ungraspable, unfailing love for each of us.